very large sculpture of crochet coral island very large sculpture of a crochet coral island Reef sculpture in gallery with the walltext: Reef sculture in gallery with wall text: Reef sculpture Reef sculptures in gallery Reef sculptures Wall of crochet corals at museum frieder burda. giant coral wall painting A woman writing on a blackboard with scientific drawings crochet coral sculptures coral forest sculpture in old distressed chapel-like room Reef sculptures in a gallery Reef sculptures Pink and orange reef scultpture against dramatic blue background Reef sculpture Sculpture made from netting material sculptures of crochet and beaded corals in vitrines crochet coral reef art installation crochet coral reef - large-scale wall mounted artwork close up detail of crochet corals crochet coral reef installation in gallery



A chalkboard with scientific drawings

Art + Science

Created as an artistic response to global warming and oceanic plastic trash, the Crochet Coral Reef also invokes hyperbolic geometry and Darwinian evolution.


Crochet Coral Reef has been exhibited at the Venice Biennale 2019, Helsinki Biennial 2021, a major retrospective in Germany 2022, Austria 2023/24, and Switzerland Fall, 2024.

Satellite Reefs

The Crochet Reef sends out spawn. 52 community-based Satellite Reefs have been made worldwide. New Satellite Reefs have recently been done in Pittsburgh, Germany,  and Austria.

Press + Essays

“The sculptures are like force-fields drawing you into their orbit, catalysts for a network of social relations that mimic a reef’s … Gorgeous, absurd and socially productive, these are rare works of art.”

— Christopher Knight, Los Angeles Times

“The Crochet Coral Reef risks making real and fabulated things together to open up still-possible times for flourishing … Palpable, polymorphous, terrifying and inspiring stitchery… ”

—Donna Haraway

TED Talk

Woman giving presentation

Margaret Wertheim spoke about the Crochet Coral Reef on the main stage at TED.


Diatom illustration

If your institution would like to exhibit the Crochet Coral Reef or start your own Satellite Reef, send us an inquiry

Diatom illustration