Art Graft: Putting an “A” into “STEMM” in Nature Vol 590 (11 Feb 2021) p351-353. Essay about scientists using art as an aid to creativity, featuring the Crochet Coral Reef
Reef Essays
Selected essays & interviews about the Crochet Coral Reef in academic journals, art magazines, and books.
See All This, No, 20 Winter 2020/2021 – special international edition of Dutch art journal See All This celebrating women artists, edited by Catherine de Zegher. Featuring Crochet Coral Reef creators Margaret Wertheim and Christine Wertheim, along with Judy Chicago, Frieda Kahlo, Georgia O’Keefe, Leonora Carrington, Agnes Denes, Ruth Azawa, and more.
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture Issue 47 (2019)
Interview with Margaret Wertheim by journal editor Giovanni Aloi.
“Evolutionary Adventures in Seahorse Valley”
In differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies Vol 23. No 3 (2012)
An essay about the Crochet Coral Reef as a form of synthetic biology, by Harvard Science Studies Scholar, Sophia Roosth.
“Mechanics of moving defects in growing sheets: 3D small deformation theory” by Amit Acharya and Shankar C. Venkataramani
In Materials Theory,Vol 4, Article No 2 (2020), SpringerOpen
A research article on the mathematics and physics of how negative curvature surfaces can form in flexible materials, inspired in part by Margaret Wertheim’s writing about the Crochet Coral Reef. View pdf.
“Fingeryeyes: Impressions of Cup Corals” —add link to article—-
In Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 25, No. 4 (2010)
An essay about the Crochet Coral Reef by cultural studies scholar Eva Hayward.
“The Institute For Figuring’s Crochet Coral Reef”
In Corals: Something Rich and Strange, Manchester University Press, 2014.
A book chapter about the Crochet Coral Reef by cultural studies scholar and curator Marion Endt-Jones. See here for the book’s beautiful Introduction to the subject of corals in art and culture.
“The Arts and New Materialism: A Call to Stewardship through Mercy, Grace, and Hope.”
In Humanities 2020, 9, 84. An essay refracting art, including the Crochet Coral Reef, though the lens of new materialist theory, by Nicholas Leonard.
“Margaret Wertheim: At Home in the Universe”
In Guernica, September 15, 2015.
Interview with Margaret by NYU scholar Tega Brain, on the boundaries of nature, gender bias in science, and inventing new geometric forms through crochet.
“Scenes from the Ocean: Feminist Interventions in Ecology”
In Marg Magazine, Vol 71, No 3. (March, 2020) p71-76
An essay about the Crochet Coral Reef and contemporary eco-feminist art by Heather Davies.